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No complaints/sanctions are received or analyzed. For assistance on these cases please contact our official Forum.


We have a complete forum to give you the support you need. Visit it at forum.argmu.com. We will wait for you!

Mail (E-Mail)

The only official email in Argentina MU is: [email protected]. You can write to us at that address with any error/bug report or donation claim. Remember that we have more than one server, therefore it is necessary that you clarify which one you play on.

No support is provided by this means. Nor are complaints/sanctions received or analyzed. For assistance please contact our official Forum.

Don't be fooled! Never reply to emails that are sent from other addresses.

Remember that we have several servers. Please, whenever you ask for support, do not forget to clarify which server you play and the name of your main character.

There are many inquiries that we receive daily, and we try to respond to all of them in the shortest possible time. Whichever means you use to contact us, please be patient.